Letter to Mr Gove re Teaching Assistants. Please RT.


Mr Gove and his DfE are considering phasing out Teaching Assistants in a bid to save £4 Billion a year. Here’s my response to his idea.

Dear Mr Gove,
I concede that I don’t know as much about education as you do as I’m merely a teacher but this is my plea to you. Please don’t take my teaching assistants away. They are the most valuable resource I have. They are unbelievably wonderful and I can’t do my job without them. Here’s a flavour of what they do.

My school is SEN and in my class there are 10 children with an ability split from P4 to NC2. That’s quite a large ability range Mr Gove, in case you don’t know. Much differentiation is needed. Each term we plan a new topic. I have 4 TAs plus myself. At the start of each new term we brain storm our new…

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