Disruptive Technologies’ Mashup Brings VoiceVault’s Voice Biometrics to WordPress | Voice Biometrics News & Events

Disruptive Technologies’ Mashup Brings VoiceVault’s Voice Biometrics to WordPress

2011 August 24

Hallelujah! “DevNation” has started to understand and appreciate voice biometric authentication. The latest example comes from America’s heartland – Lawrence, KS – where a company called Disruptive Technologies has cobbled together a solution will enable bloggers on the WordPress platform to use voiceprints, rather than passwords to gain access to their accounts.

Disruptive has gone further by taking on the three-step process of (1) gaining access to VoiceVault’s API for cloud-based authentication, (2) leveraging Voxeo’s Tropo platform to house a library of scripts that support enrollment of voiceprints and subsequent voice-based authentication and finally (3) as a use case that many bloggers can understand, Disruptive built a mechanism for bloggers using WordPress to have visitors enroll their voiceprints as a replacement for passwords.

True to its name, Disruptive has loaded its library of (php-based) scripts to the code sharing platform GitHub. This means that WordPress mavens can install the voice authentication routines as a WordPress “plug-in.” It doesn’t solve many of the issues involved with getting people to register their voiceprints. But it’s a start toward expanding voice biometrics’ footprint.